الاثنين، 28 مارس 2016

From touch me!?

بعض النصائح الهامة قبل دخول ارض الخوف..
 ذكر اسم الله و التعوذ من الشيطان الرجيم
تخفيف اضاءة الغرفة و الافضل غلق النور بالكامل .
 اذا بدأت تحس برعشة و جو غريب حولك اطفى الجهاز فورا و نام .
 اذا سمعت صوت غريب بالغرفة انصحك الا تحاول رؤية ما يحدث ابدا و اياك ان تنظر الى الوراء . انا لست مسئولة عن النتائج .

I am fourteen years old, I'll tell you my story I do not know do you have to do the other world or not.
I times I slept or rather I will sleep and I will be lying on my bed and suddenly felt that someone touching my feet or my legs, he began to repeat with me this thing after the month of Ramadan and the times he woke up from sleep and I see in my thigh bruises dotted color dark pink and be next to some.
And once again become my position you awake from sleep did not pass second foundation of waking and my eyes were a bit confused and was seven o'clock in the morning and all of a sudden I heard a voice like a boy the same age called my name .. yes! I've called me my name !! .
I turned behind me to see who is the one who called me, but I did not see one! ..
I felt a little bit scared and then grew and I felt one of my feet touched softly.
And when I'm lying on my bed I want to sleep I feel that there is one watching me and when close my eyes to sleep I feel that there is one touches my hair softly.
I am wondering now is: Do you think he reap lover or not? .

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